Maltby Miners Welfare Band | Brass Bands England

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Maltby Miners Welfare Band

Maltby Miners Welfare Band


Formed in 1911 the Maltby Miners Welfare Band is still going strong after more than 100 years. The band is based in Maltby, a town six miles from Rotherham in South Yorkshire.
We are active as both a contesting band and a concert band, performing mainly in South Yorkshire and the surrounding counties at Galas and fetes, park bandstands, churches, and village halls and have a regular spot at Rotherham Civic Theatre.

Rehearsal Info:

Mondays & Fridays / 19:45 – 21:30
Maltby Miners Welfare Sports Pavillion (upstairs)

Nationals Area: Yorkshire
Section Play In: 3rd

Contact details

Address: 31 Moorhouse Lane, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4NH