Resources | Brass Bands England

You can become a member of BBE either as an organisation or as an individual


We will be adding links to organisations to help you make your band accessible to all.  If you can recommend any others, please email


Boy playing brass instrument with support

OHMI is a charity that can facilitate the adaptation of instruments for those with disabilities or players who find after illness that they can no longer support their instruments or manage to play as they did previously.

Hear more about OHMI by listening to BBE's interview with Rachel Wolffsohn on Brass Band Radio.

To find out more, visit:

Access to events, venues and band rehearsals for disabled people

BBE has created checklists to help you make your rehearsal, concert, contest or event more accessible to disabled audiences and performers, access this member's resource (log in first)

How to write your own EDI policy

In this resource we will be taking you through how to create and develop your organisation's own Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy. This can be tailored to reflect how your organisation operates and written in a style that suits your members.  This resource refers to bands, but this could equally apply to other musical organisations. Use the template and guidance document.  (member's resource, log in to use)

Top tips for website accessibility

This resource takes you through some of the things to think about when designing, developing and updating your website that will increase it's accessibility. Use this accessibility resource. (member's resource, log in to use)


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