Funding | Brass Bands England

You can become a member of BBE either as an organisation or as an individual


What is Funding/Fundraising and where can we find it?

All bands need an income to cover running costs.  Without the funds (money) to pay for a project, it will just remain an idea.  There are lots of charities, government departments and organisations who can offer financial support (funding) to get your idea off the ground – you just need to look.

Fundraising can be used to describe any activity that raises money for your Band; from running a raffle or lottery, to making grant applications for a specific project e.g. a new music commission or bandroom refurbishment. Raising funds can be one of the most daunting tasks that a brass band undertakes. It is usually necessary to go to more than one source for the money you need. You will have to show that you are legally constituted, operate as charity or have charitable purposes, and have a well structured governing document. With funding from public sources and trust foundations in high demand, there are also opportunities in membership, subscriptions, ticket income, crowdfunding/donations and business sponsorship to explore. 

Brass Bands England can offer advice and support on all aspects of fundraising and income generation.  Fundraising webinars are availabe for members to view in our members area and we work with bands directly via our Fundraising Service to source funders and write grant applications.

We can also help bands by working with them directly to generate fundraising ideas and assist them with grant applications.  Just get in touch using our Contact Us page.

What type of funders will be recommended to us?

Information on sourced and researched funders will be bespoke to your band’s organisational status, project idea, amount required, location, project timeline and key beneficiaries.

Will I have to pay regardless of the success of any application outcome?

Yes, unfortunately we cannot make any guarantees on success, but will always endeavour to work with you to recommend the most relevant and appropriate funders and sources of investment based on your project requirements and need.

The process of working with us involves advice, support and coaching to enable you to develop your skills and knowledge in this field and improve your fundraising over time leading to future success.


What is the average success rate of making a fundraising application?

Please note that the industry standard success rate varies and can be as high as 1 in 4 or as low as 1 in 10.  Currently there are high levels of demand and competition for trusts and foundations in particular is fierce.


Our band has a reasonable success rate at securing grants, what will the fundraising service offer that we are not already doing?


You may consider you need additional support if you are undertaking a project for which you have no inhouse expertise or applying to a new funder you have no relationship with.  For instance, you might need to employ an external fundraiser if considering a large capital or building development project. Our fundraising service in this instance may prove more cost effective for you as it is heavily subsidised. 


Why should we make use of BBE’s Admin and Project Management support?


The BBE staff team are experienced in delivering a wide range of arts and cultural projects, and have specific expertise, networks and contacts in brass banding education, outreach and events which you won’t find elsewhere.